Dec 16, 2008

Mid-December Recap

Thursday, December 11th marked our last show in New York City, or at least at any sort of 21+ bar that doesn't give a shit about shows or musicians. I hate to sound cynical but we've played far too many shows in the city (more so Manhattan) where there is no respect for the musicians, no planning that has gone into the show, and not enough room for one band's equipment, let alone five. Why do these tiny hole in the wall bars book a five band show with a stage about the size as two queen size beds and barely any room for equipment. Don't get me wrong, a show is a show, and if we're able to play for even one person who's never heard us before, then thats awesome, but it's gotten to the point that playing in Manhattan yields more negatives than positives for us, not to mention the gas and toll money put into the trip. Blah. Sorry to rant. I love New York City, just not when I'm in the van. 

Friday, December 12th couldn't have been more of a polar opposite. Opening up for Thursday was unreal to say the least. To be asked to open up for one of my / our favorite, most influential bands was literally a dream come true. There was magic in the air and I think everyone could feel it. It was easily our biggest show yet a everything went off with out a hitch. Greg and I stayed up till 3 in the morning two nights prior fixing up the lights, samples went off without a hitch, and no one fucked up. We're so used to stuff going wrong, so when things actually go right for once, not to mention at a huge show like this, it just feels plain good. Life has been so chaotic the past few months but it's nights like these where for a brief moment in time, everything seems to fit into place. (All thanks to Rob Dobi)

Saturday, December 13th we played at this small vegan library / cafe / kitchen thing in Willimantic, CT called Wrench In The Works. Very different vibe than the night before but it was a blast. There was a vegan potluck when we got there and lots of nice locals. We were a bit loud I think due to the room being so small but it made for an awesome light show. 

I'm finishing up my last week of the semester and things are going... okay? Busy as all hell, sleeping only a couple hours a night, but also being super productive, so thats cool. 

Foreword is out now on Amazon, albeit much sooner than we expected. It is nice to have it out there finally, especially since our live show consists mostly of songs off Foreword. I apologize to everyone who pre-ordered it and is still waiting. As soon as we get them (which should be in the next two or three weeks) we will be shipping them out ASAP with plenty of goodies as well. 

One of the great things about being an adult is making adult decisions, like skipping class to do weekend tours. It's been a while since we've had a good trek on the open road and damn it felt good. Especially this one.


Anonymous said...

So Glad the shows went well guys, nice to hear when it goes right for once.. sorry to hear about NYC though. One day i'll be at a show, if I can make it from England, or if you guys ever end up over here.
Its always cool skipping class to do something you love! I totally agree.
Nice to hear you're all well, Foreword is awesome, pre-ordered & got it off amazon too! looking forawrd to getting the CD copy though.
Cheers for making awesome, inspirational music, don't ever stop!

alison zullo said...

no more nyc!? not gonna lie im a little heartbroken, but i can understand why.

you guys were amazing on birthday ever!