Mar 10, 2008

Here is your lifetime, suspended between your arms.

Everything is changing in my life right now. In fact, I think the only "constant" is music, and even that is always changing changing. (If something is constantly changing, does that mean it's a constant?)

I'm going to be taking next semester off to pursue the band full time. We're going to be on the road as much as possible this summer and into the fall. We have a beautiful trailer named Maggie and sweet green Dodge van. Granted just about all of us are in debt now, something tells me it will be worth it. Fuck money anyway. We begin tracking drums for the EP March 28th - 29th with Kalajian and I couldn't be more excited. The new material is far above anything on Pneuma. Its heavier and softer than anything we've done up to this point. These are also the first songs to be written by all four of us collectively. To me, the progression we've made is one for the better and I can't wait for everyone to hear it.

School = blah. I'm so disconnected for campus life. I just need to make it through the rest of this semester. This isn't where I'm supposed to be right now. I've got other things on my plate. I'm eternally grateful for the support of my friends and most importantly my parents. I love you all. 

I'm letting go this time time and the road ahead will be an adventurous one to say the least. I turn 20 this year. I feel like turning 20 is a bigger milestone than 21. 20 is like, a good even number, no longer a teenager, etc. Everyone just associates 21 with drinking. Lame.

Short term goals: 
1. Make enough money before May 15th to support myself on tour.
2. Finish this semester.

As Cities Burn - Come Now Sleep
Tokyo Police Club - Elephant Shell
Able Baker Fox - Voices
This Beautiful Mess - Away With the Swine

1 comment:

Eric Stout said...

I love you bro! Moving Mountains is for sure going to be huge and I am happy to say that you are one of my best friends. I miss you and I hope I get to see you soon.

Hang in there, and if you need a road hand for tour... Let me know!